1.1 Krishi Karman awards were instituted in the year 2010-11 to reward the best performing States in foodgrains and individual crops of Rice, Wheat, Pulses and Coarse Cereals.Krishi Karman awards are given to Best performer States for raising country's food grain production.Krishi Karman Awards comprises of three awards for total food grain production and four awards for production of rice, wheat, coarse cereals and pulses - the crops that constitute the food grain.
1.2 There are eight awards including three for the Sates with highest foodgrains production in three identified categories (Category I – where production is >10 million tonnes: Category II – where production is between 1 – 10 million tonnes; and Category III – where production is <1 million tonnes) and five awards of highest production under each of the crops Rice, Wheat, Pulses, Coarse Cereals and Oilseeds. There is no categorization of States for individual crops of Rice, Wheat, Pulses, Coarse cereals and Oilseeds.
1.3 In addition to the above, during 2013-14, Commendation Awards were given to States which achieved production and productivity higher in 2013-14 over their previous highest in 4/5 years, yet could not qualify for Krishi Karman Awards.
1.4 The Award amount will be of Rs. 5.00 crore for total foodgrains category and Rs. 2.00 crore for individual crops category. The amount for Commendation Award will be Rs. 1.00 crore for each State.